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A member registered Aug 25, 2020

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(1 edit)


//player move [offsetX] [offsetY] [offsetZ]
//sound [name] [path] - loads sound and sets it's name. Path rules are the same as for images. 

auto 1

sound woosh Sounds/jump.wav //- loads sound and sets it's name. Path rules are the same as for images.

play sound woosh

player move 0 0 512

map quickreturn keepsounds3
I just tried with various Versions of the script and I can't get it to work either it might be something worth mentioning in the discord?

Sorry your script looks right to me and unfortunately I can't test it right now. There are keepsounds1,2,3 And I think for maybe try using different versions?

Thanks for your hard effort!

(2 edits)


//player move [offsetX] [offsetY] [offsetZ]
//sound [name] [path] - loads sound and sets it's name. Path rules are the same as for images.
player move 512 0 512

sound woosh Sounds\09_human_charging_1_loop.wav //- loads sound and sets it's name. Path rules are the same as for images.

map quickreturn keepsounds3

Another approach is to use the map quick return with keep sounds too because that will immediately return back to the player and not lag at all but keep any sounds that are played

You could create a map variable that holds on to the current number of enemies you've spawned and the maximum you want and then check if the current number is greater than the maximum then just do map return instead of doing anything

Would it be possible to get your source files for these via pastebin or github?

Does this have stairs?

are the characters 16x16?